We are pleased to announce that we have successfully hosted our first online webinar on our new Tailor Made Training for the Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) on Water Allocation Modeling and Remote Sensing Analysis. We will teach about 20 participants of the RWB how to work with the Water Evaluation And Planning model WEAP and the Remote Sensing platform of Google Earth Engine (GEE), state of the art technologies that are excellent for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
The training aims at building and enhancing capabilities of the participants in environmental and hydrological monitoring and modeling and is funded by the Orange Knowledge Program of Nuffic. It will yield the participants with valuable and necessary knowledge on IWRM. The training will provide the participants with relevant hands-on experience and cutting-edge knowledge on innovative solutions in water allocation modeling and earth observation technologies and apply this to for example:
- Assess the supply and demand of water for different stakeholders in Rwanda;
- Assess measures to increase water efficiency in agriculture;
- Asses the water balance of specific areas or in specific periods;
- Asses flood extents;
- and more.
The training will be an online training using our eLearning platform FutureWater Moodle School, given the uncertain situation caused by COVID-19.