In this project a web-based service was built from which it is possible to select a country or region on a global map, calculate the current water availability from surface water and groundwater as well as current water demands from the three sectors (agriculture, industry, domestic) and to assess from this the current water shortage as well as the looming water shortage under scenarios of climate change and socio-economic development. Based on these assessments, various technological and infrastructural adaptation measures can be evaluated to assess the investments needed to bridge the water gap.
Decisions makers responsible for climate change adaptation investments are confronted with a huge knowledge gap. On the other hand, scientists have gained much fundamental knowledge about climate impacts, but practical use of this knowledge is very limited as applied tools as well as knowledge transition is sparse. We aim to build a web-based service from which it is possible to select a country or region on a global map, calculate the current water availability from surface water and groundwater as well as current water demands from the three sectors (agriculture, industry, domestic) and to assess from this the current water shortage as well as the looming water shortage under scenarios of climate change and socio-economic development. Based on these assessments, various technological and infrastructural adaptation measures can be evaluated to assess the investments needed to bridge the water gap.
Apart from financial consequences of choices, we also aim to add, for each strategy or sets of strategies chosen: 1) indicators for the effects on the environment and downstream water availability (including downstream regions/countries); 2) indicators of the sensitivity to upstream development of water resources. For instance, building a reservoir is useless if most of the runoff is generated in a country upstream that is planning to build a reservoir for irrigation itself; 3) indicators of the socio-economic costs/benefits of different infrastructure investment options for the region or country, which will enable decision makers to choose the most efficient (mix of) infrastructure measures; 4) provide guidance by identifying financing scheme options, giving recommendations for funding, such as possibilities of PPP (public-private partnerships) 5) possibility for automatic generation of an assessment and investment report containing the analyses performed.
The tool can be used by consultants, water authorities, non-governmental and commercial investors alike to test investment strategies, but could also be used by companies as a vehicle for advertisement of water saving or crop water productivity technologies that can be evaluated on their effectiveness on the spot. The overall aim is therefore to develop and bring to market a combination of products/services that on the one hand influences existing decision making and on the other hand creates a new value chain from science to consultant to end-users.
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Brandsma, J., J.E. Hunink, P. Droogers, M. Straatsma