Author: matthijs
1 May 2010
New tool to explore online spatial output of water simulation models
FutureWater launched a web application that combines the functionality of Google Maps and the time-dependent output of water simulation models. The web-interface is being developed to give anyone with access to internet the possibility to explore water-related model results on the web. Hardly any other undemanding visualization tools exist that show spatially distributed results of...
1 April 2010
Correcting satellite precipitation estimates for the Mekong River Commission
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) uses satellite rainfall estimates (SRE) provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their operational flood forecasts. The satellite rainfall estimates are based on a combination of passive microwave and thermal infra-red sensors from different satellites and are scaled using a limited number of observation from meteorological stations....
1 March 2010
New project on erosion and reservoir sedimentation in Kenya
A new project within the Tana basin of Kenya has been rewarded to an international consortium that includes FutureWater. The project will carry out a baseline survey of the soil erosion and sediment transport upstream of the main reservoirs. This will be done to estimate the impact of sediment deposition on the reservoir capacities, relevant...
1 December 2009
FutureWater Reports now available as paperback
Hardcopies of the FutureWater Reports that came out in 2008 and 2009 can now be ordered online on the Lulu publisher platform. The publications will be printed as paperback and sent to you. The price of the reports varies around 15 dollars, depending on the number of pages. FutureWater hopes that this option improves the...
1 December 2009
FutureWater on the climate train to Copenhagen
Next Saturday, the national climate event “Beat The Heat Now” will take place in Utrecht, as a boot to the climate summit in Copenhagen. Climax of the event will be the departure of a special train from Utrecht station to the climate summit in Copenhagen with on board Minister Cramer, politicians, entrepreneurs, scientists and journalists....
1 October 2009
New climate change impact project in Kenya
FutureWater has recently been awarded a new project by the SANET foundation in Western Kenya aiming at assessing the effects of climate change on the rice production systems of the Bunyala plains on the shores of Lake Victoria. A first field visit was conducted in September and currently a water resource management tool is developed....
1 October 2009
Identifying future Food and Water Research Themes
The German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has funded several major research programs on Integrated Water Resources Management and Global Change. Currently, BMBF is in the process to identify promising future research themes by analyzing the international water research and policy landscape and by taking stock of recent achievements. FutureWater was asked to provide...
1 October 2009
Green Water Credits workshop in Kenya successfully to an end
Last month a workshop took place on the analysis tools for pilot operation of Green Water Credits in Kenya. The event was the start of several other collaborative and training activities. FutureWater organized the workshop for the local authorities in the Tana basin. The principles of the financial mechanism were discussed and the quantitative tools...
1 September 2009
Evaluating evapotranspiration standards in the Netherlands
FutureWater is evaluating the possibilities to regionalize the Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration in the Netherlands. The current standard in the Netherlands is Makkink. However, the international standard is Penman-Monteith. FutureWater studies which measured variables are required for the use of Penman-Monteith at Dutch weather-related organizations. Furthermore, FutureWater investigates the possible spatial interpolation methods. More details, including...
1 September 2009
Relating environmental conditions and Q fever
A research project will be conducted by FutureWater together with the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) on the supposed relation between the human transmission of Q fever and the local environmental conditions. Infection with C. burnetii (Q fever) is likely to occur when a number of environmental conditions are met,...