Dr Arthur Lutz is a hydrologist and physical geographer with a solid track record of research and consultancy experience in water resources management and hydrology. He has near 15 years of experience and is technically skilled in water resources management, hydrology, modelling, GIS and remote sensing.

In a mix of applied research and consultancy projects he contributed to and led numerous projects around the world at the cutting edge of water, food and energy security in a global change context. He has international working experience outside the EU in multiple countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa. He is skilled at conducting data analysis, modelling and scenario analysis and providing training in these topics. He has a PhD degree in climate science and hydrology from Utrecht University (2016), and provided his services to a wide range of clients including development banks, scientific and education organizations, international donors, (inter)governmental bodies and hydropower investors. He is an experienced team player used to working in international interdisciplinary teams, in roles ranging from specialist to team leader. He is author of numerous peer reviewed publications and technical reports, including key publications in his field. In FutureWater he is Chief Scientific Officer and Senior Hydrologist. Through his work he strives to contribute towards a sustainable future for our water resources around the globe.

Related projects

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  • Climate Strategy Central and West Asia

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Related publications

  • 2023 - Asian Development Bank ReportBeard, J.E., P. Droogers, A. Lutz. Incorporating Climate Resilience in Urban Planning And Policy Making. Focus on Armenia, Georgia, and Uzbekistan.X

    Incorporating Climate Resilience in Urban Planning And Policy Making. Focus on Armenia, Georgia, and Uzbekistan

    Beard, J.E., P. Droogers, A. Lutz

  • 2023 - PanTPE Project ReportKraaijenbrink, P., Immerzeel, W., Khanal, S., Lutz, A. 2023. An Assessment of Water-related Climate Change Impacts on the Third Pole. PanTPE Project Report.X

    An Assessment of Water-related Climate Change Impacts on the Third Pole

    Kraaijenbrink, P., Immerzeel, W., Khanal, S., Lutz, A.

  • 2023 - Journal of Applied Meteorology and ClimatologyKhanal, S., T. S. Tiwari, A.F. Lutz, B.V.D Hurk, W.W. Immerzeel. 2022. Historical Climate Trends over High Mountain Asia Derived from ERA5 Reanalysis Data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 62, 263-288. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-21-0045.1X

    Historical Climate Trends over High Mountain Asia Derived from ERA5 Reanalysis Data

    Khanal, S., T. S. Tiwari, A.F. Lutz, B.V.D Hurk, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2021 - Water Resources ResearchKhanal, S., Lutz, A. F., Kraaijenbrink, P. D. A., van den Hurk, B., Yao, T., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2021). Variable 21st century climate change response for rivers in High Mountain Asia at seasonal to decadal time scales. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029266. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR029266X

    Variable 21st Century Climate Change Response for Rivers in High Mountain Asia at Seasonal to Decadal Time Scales

    Khanal, S., A.F. Lutz,, P. D. A. Kraaijenbrink, B. van den Hurk, T. Yao, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2021 - FutureWater Report 222Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz. 2021. Renewable Energy for Climate Resilience in Bhutan - Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment. FutureWater Report 222.X

    Renewable Energy for Climate Resilience in Bhutan – Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment

    Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz.

  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 189Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz. 2019. TA-9755 GEO: East-West Highway (Shorapani-Argveta Section) Project, Georgia. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment. FutureWater Report 189X

    TA-9755 GEO: East-West Highway (Shorapani- Argveta Section) Project, Georgia. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.

    Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz

  • 2019 - Nature SustainabilityBiemans, H., C. Siderius, A.F. Lutz, S. Nepal, B. Ahmad, T. Hassan, W. von Bloh, R.R. Wijngaard, P. Wester, A.B. Shrestha, W.W. Immerzeel. 2019. Importance of snow and glacier meltwater for agriculture on the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Nature Sustainability (2) 594-601.X

    Importance of snow and glacier meltwater for agriculture on the Indo-Gangetic Plain

    Biemans, H., C. Siderius, A.F. Lutz, S. Nepal, B. Ahmad, T. Hassan, W. von Bloh, R.R. Wijngaard, P. Wester, A.B. Shrestha, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2019 - Nature Climate ChangeConway, D., R.J. Nicholls, S. Brown, M.G.L. Tebboth, W. Neil Adger, B. Ahmad, H. Biemans, F. Crick, A.F. Lutz, R. Safra De Campos, M. Said, C. Singh, M. Abdalla Hassan Zaroug, E. Ludi, M. New, P. Wester. 2019. The need for bottom-up assessments of climate risks and adaptation in climate-sensitive regions. Nature Climate Change (9) 503-511.X

    The need for bottom-up assessments of climate risks and adaptation in climate-sensitive regions

    Conway, D., R.J. Nicholls, S. Brown, M.G.L. Tebboth, W. Neil Adger, B. Ahmad, H. Biemans, F. Crick, A.F. Lutz, R. Safra De Campos, M. Said, C. Singh, M. Abdalla Hassan Zaroug, E. Ludi, M. New, P. Wester

  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 188Kaune, A., C. Nolet, A.F. Lutz. 2019. Glacio-hydrological Assessment for Hydropower, Mestiachala River, Georgia. FutureWater Report 188X

    Glacio-hydrological Assessment for Hydropower, Mestiachala River, Georgia

    Kaune, A., C. Nolet, A.F. Lutz

  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 182Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz. 2019. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment North-South Corridor (Kvesheti-Kobi) Road Project, Georgia. FutureWater Report 182.X

    Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment North-South Corridor (Kvesheti-Kobi) Road Project, Georgia

    Nolet, C., A.F. Lutz

  • 2019 - AtmosphereKhanal, S., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel, H. de Vries, N. Wanders, B. van den Hurk. 2019. The Impact of Meteorological and Hydrological Memory on Compound Peak Flows in the Rhine River Basin. Atmosphere 10 (4) 171. doi:10.3390/atmos10040171X

    The Impact of Meteorological and Hydrological Memory on Compound Peak Flows in the Rhine River Basin

    Khanal, S., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel, H. de Vries, N. Wanders, B. van den Hurk

  • 2018 - Hydrology and Earth System SciencesWijngaard, R.R., H. Biemans, A.F. Lutz, A.B. Shrestha, P. Wester, W.W. Immerzeel. 2018. Climate change vs. socio-economic development: understanding the future South Asian water gap. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 22. 6297-6321.X

    Climate change vs. socio-economic development: understanding the future South Asian water gap

    Wijngaard, R.R., H. Biemans, A.F. Lutz, A.B. Shrestha, P. Wester, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2018 - Regional Environmental ChangeLutz, A.F., H.W. ter Maat, R.R. Wijngaard, H. Biemans, A. Syed, A.B. Shrestha, P. Wester, W.W. Immerzeel. 2018. South Asian river basins in a 1.5 °C warmer world. Reg Environ Change. doi:10.1007/s10113-018-1433-4X

    South Asian river basins in a 1.5 °C warmer world

    Lutz, A.F., H.W. ter Maat, R.R. Wijngaard, H. Biemans, A. Syed, A.B. Shrestha, P. Wester, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2018 - FutureWater Report 178Lutz, A.F. 2018. Updated Climate Change Projections for eThekwini Municipality. FutureWater Report 178.X

    Updated Climate Change Projections for eThekwini Municipality

    Lutz, A.F.

  • 2017 - PLOS ONEWijngaard, R.R., A.F. Lutz, S. Nepal, S. Khanal, S. Pradhananga, A.B. Shrestha, W.W. Immerzeel. 2017. Future changes in hydro-climatic extremes in the Upper Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra River basins. PLOS ONE 12(12): e0190224. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190224X

    Future changes in hydro-climatic extremes in the Upper Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra River basins

    Wijngaard, R.R., A.F. Lutz, S. Nepal, S. Khanal, S. Pradhananga, A.B. Shrestha, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2017 - NatureKraaijenbrink P.D.A, M.F.P. Bierkens, A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel. 2017. Impact of a 1.5 °C global temperature rise on Asia’s glaciers. Nature, 54, 257–260. doi: 10.1038/nature23878.X

    Impact of a global temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius on Asia’s glaciers

    Kraaijenbrink, P.D.A., M.F.P. Bierkens, A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 171Droogers, P., A.F. Lutz, J.E. Hunink. 2017. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Western Uzbekistan Water Supply. FutureWater Report 171.X

    Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Western Uzbekistan Water Supply

    Droogers, P., A.F. Lutz, J.E. Hunink

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 164Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers, S. Khanal, S. Nepal, A.B. Shrestha. 2017. Hydrological and Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin, Nepal. FutureWater Report 164.X

    Hydrological and Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin, Nepal

    Terink, W., W.W. Immerzeel, A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers, S. Khanal, S. Nepal, A.B. Shrestha

  • 2016 - Internship ReportVrolijk, F., A. Lutz, H. Biemans. 2016. Tailoring of climate information for the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra basins - Technical Report. Internship Report.X

    Tailoring of climate information for the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra basins – Technical Report

    Vrolijk, F., A. Lutz, H. Biemans

  • 2016 - PLOS ONELutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink, A.B. Shrestha, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2016. Climate Change Impacts on the Upper Indus Hydrology: Sources, Shifts and Extremes. PLOS ONE 11(11): e0165630. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165630X

    Climate Change Impacts on the Upper Indus Hydrology: Sources, Shifts and Extremes

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink, A.B. Shrestha, M.F.P. Bierkens

  • 2016 - International Journal of ClimatologyLutz, A.F., H.W. ter Maat, H. Biemans, A.B. Shrestha, P. Wester, W.W. Immerzeel. 2016. Selecting representative climate models for climate change impact studies: an advanced envelope-based selection approach. International Journal of ClimatologyX

    Selecting representative climate models for climate change impact studies: an advanced envelope-based selection approach

    Lutz, A.F., H.W. ter Maat, H. Biemans, A.B. Shrestha, P. Wester, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 147Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, M. Litt, S. Bajracharya, A.B. Shrestha. 2015. Comprehensive Review of Climate Change and the Impacts on Cryosphere, Hydrological Regimes and Glacier Lakes. FutureWater Report 147X

    Comprehensive Review of Climate Change and the Impacts on Cryosphere, Hydrological Regimes and Glacier Lakes

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, M. Litt, S. Bajracharya, A.B. Shrestha

  • 2015 - Hydrology and Earth System SciencesImmerzeel, W.W., N. Wanders, A. Lutz, J.M. Shea, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2015. Reconciling high-altitude precipitation in the upper Indus basin with glacier mass balances and runoff. Hydrology and Earth System SciencesX

    Reconciling high-altitude precipitation in the upper Indus basin with glacier mass balances and runoff

    Immerzeel, W.W., N. Wanders, A. Lutz, J.M. Shea, M.F.P. Bierkens

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 144Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel. 2015. SPHY: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Case-studies for training. FutureWater Report 144X

    SPHY: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Case-studies for training.

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 143Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel. 2015. SPHY: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Graphical User-Interfaces (GUIs). FutureWater Report 143X

    SPHY: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Graphical User-Interfaces (GUIs).

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 142Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel. 2015. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Model theory, installation, and data preparation. FutureWater Report 142X

    SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Model theory, installation, and data preparation.

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 146Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel. 2015. HI-AWARE Research Component 1. Reference Climate Dataset for the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra River Basins. FutureWater Report 146X

    HI-AWARE Research Component 1. Reference Climate Dataset for the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra River Basins.

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2015 - Geoscientific Model Development Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2015. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Geoscientific Model Development 8: 2009-2034X

    SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 145Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, H. Biemans, H. ter Maat, V. Veldore, A.B. Shrestha. 2015. HI-AWARE Research Component 1. Selection of Climate Models for Downscaling. FutureWater Report 145X

    HI-AWARE Research Component 1. Selection of Climate Models for Downscaling

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, H. Biemans, H. ter Maat, V. Veldore, A.B. Shrestha

  • 2015 - Geoscientific Model Development DiscussionsTerink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2015. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in Hydrology. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 8: 1687-1748X

    SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in Hydrology

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, G.W.H. Simons, W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 196Hunink, J.E., A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers. 2014. Regional Risk Assessment for Water Availability and Water-related Energy Sector Impacts in Central Asia. FutureWater Report 196.X

    Regional Risk Assessment for Water Availability and Water-related Energy Sector Impacts in Central Asia

    Hunink, J.E., A.F. Lutz, P. Droogers

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 131Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel. 2014. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Model theory and SPHY interface (v1.0) manual. FutureWater Report 131X

    SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Model theory and SPHY interface (v1.0) manual

    Terink, W., A.F. Lutz, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 130Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink. 2014. Gridded meteorological datasets and hydrological modelling in the Upper Indus Basin. FutureWater Report 130X

    Gridded meteorological datasets and hydrological modelling in the Upper Indus Basin

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 128Kraaijenbrink, P.D.A., A. Lutz, P. Droogers. 2014. Climate adaptation Colombia: Climate data scaling and analysis for the Magdalena basin. FutureWater Report 128X

    Climate adaptation Colombia: Climate data scaling and analysis for the Magdalena basin

    Kraaijenbrink, P.D.A., A. Lutz, P. Droogers

  • 2014 - Nature Climate ChangeLutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, A.B. Shrestha, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2014. Consistent increase in High Asia's runoff due to increasing glacier melt and precipitation. Nature Climate Change 4: 587-592X

    Consistent increase in High Asia’s runoff due to increasing glacier melt and precipitation

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, A.B. Shrestha, M.F.P. Bierkens

  • 2014 - FutureWater ReportLutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, T. Piman. 2014. Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin. FutureWater ReportX

    Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin

    Lutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel, T. Piman

  • 2014 - FutureWater ReportLutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel. 2014. Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin. Appendices. FutureWater ReportX

    Development of baseline climate data set and trend analysis in the Mekong Basin. Appendices.

    Lutz, A., W. Terink, P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2013 - FutureWater Report 127Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel. 2013. Water Availability Analysis for the Upper Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Salween and Mekong River Basins. FutureWater Report 127X

    Water Availability Analysis for the Upper Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Salween and Mekong River Basins

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2013 - Hydrology and Earth System SciencesLutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, A. Gobiet, F. Pellicciotti, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2013. Comparison of climate change signals in CMIP3 and CMIP5 multi-model ensembles and implications for Central Asian glaciers. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17: 3661-3677X

    Comparison of climate change signals in CMIP3 and CMIP5 multi-model ensembles and implications for Central Asian glaciers

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, A. Gobiet, F. Pellicciotti, M.F.P. Bierkens

  • 2012 - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences DiscussionsLutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, A. Gobiet, F. Pellicciotti, M.F.P. Bierkens. 2012. New climate change scenarios reveal uncertain future for Central Asian glaciers. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 9: 12691-12727X

    New climate change scenarios reveal uncertain future for Central Asian glaciers

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, A. Gobiet, F. Pellicciotti, M.F.P. Bierkens

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 110Lutz, A.F., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel. 2012. Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on the Water Resources in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Basins. FutureWater Report 110X

    Climate Change Impact and Adaptation on the Water Resources in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Basins

    Lutz, A.F., P. Droogers, W.W. Immerzeel

  • 2012 - FutureWater Report 107Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers. 2012. Climate Change Impacts on the Upstream Water Resources of the Amu and Syr Darya River Basins. FutureWater Report 107X

    Climate Change Impacts on the Upstream Water Resources of the Amu and Syr Darya River Basins

    Lutz, A.F., W.W. Immerzeel, P. Droogers