Dr. Sergio Contreras is specialized in the ecohydrological functioning of native and agroecosytems of arid and semiarid regions, and its relation with human activities. During his career, Dr. Contreras has shown a special interest in the interactions and feedbacks between vegetation and groundwater, in the energy and water balance and in the biomass and agricultural productivity of these regions. His studies cover a broad range of spatial scales, from plot to regional, and methodological approaches (GIS and remote sensing, hydrological modeling, hydrochemical and isotopic techniques).

He was pre and postdoctoral researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) where he developed much of his scientific career, and did research stays in Australia, Argentina and USA. He has participated in several international and national research projects and contracts, and at present he is member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists and the American Geoscience Union. Sergio works in the FutureWater office in Cartagena, Spain.

Related projects

Related publications

  • 2024 - Technical reportFernández-Rodríguez, A., S. Contreras, G. Simons. Satellite-based Water Productivity of dominant croplands in the Jucar River Basin (Spain) by local implementation of WaPOR algorithm. 2024.Technical report. X

    Satellite-based Water Productivity of dominant croplands in the Jucar River Basin (Spain) by local implementation of WaPOR algorithm

    Fernández-Rodríguez, A., S. Contreras, G. Simons

  • 2024 - FutureWater ReportContreras, S., M. Bea, J.E. Hunink. 2024. Hydrological Assessment, Risk Analysis and Farming Opportunities in the Doñana Ecosystem and the Coast of Huelva (Spain): AWS Catchment Status Report. FutureWater Report 253.X

    Hydrological Assessment, Risk Analysis and Farming Opportunities in the Doñana Ecosystem and the Coast of Huelva (Spain): AWS Catchment Status Report

    Contreras, S., M. Bea, J.E. Hunink

  • 2024 - Agricultural Water ManagementEekhout, J.P.C., I. Delsman, J.E.M. Baartman, M. van Eupen, C. van Haren, S. Contreras, J. Martínez-López, J. de Vente. 2024. How Future Changes in Irrigation Water Supply and Demand Affect Water Security in a Mediterranean Catchment. Agricultural Water Management, 297, 108818. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2024.108818X

    How Future Changes in Irrigation Water Supply and Demand Affect Water Security in a Mediterranean Catchment

    Eekhout, J.P.C., I. Delsman, J.E.M. Baartman, M. van Eupen, C. van Haren, S. Contreras, J. Martínez-López, J. de Vente

  • 2024 - ESA-Incubed Project Final Report (FREP)Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández-Rodríguez. 2024. Infosequia-4CAST: Towards an Operational Satellite-based Drought Early Warning and Forecasting System for Quantifying Risks of Crop and Water Supply Failures. ESA-Incubed Project Final Report (FREP)X

    Infosequia-4CAST: Towards an Operational Satellite-based Drought Early Warning and Forecasting System for Quantifying Risks of Crop and Water Supply Failures

    Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández-Rodríguez

  • 2023 - Technical reportVerschuren, L., A. Fernández, M. de Klerk, S. Contreras, E. Aparicio Medrano. 2023. MAGDA: Water Balance Simulations. Deliverable 6.1. Technical report Meteorological Assimilation from Galileo and drones for agriculture (MAGDA) project.X

    MAGDA: Water Balance Simulations

    Verschuren, L., A. Fernández, M. de Klerk, S. Contreras, E. Aparicio Medrano

  • 2023 - FutureWater Report 234Contreras, S., A. Fernández, J.E. Hunink, G.W.H. Simons. 2023. InfoSequia-4CAST: Water Supply Pilot Case. FutureWater Report 234.X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Water Supply Pilot Case

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández, J.E. Hunink, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2023 - FutureWater Report 235Contreras, S., A. Fernández, A. Grudnowska, M. Wens, G.W.H. Simons. 2023. InfoSequia-4CAST: Crop Yield Pilot Case. FutureWater Report 235.X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Crop Yield Pilot Case

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández, A. Grudnowska, M. Wens, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2023 - Technical reportContreras, S., J.L. García-Aróstegui, V. Robles-Arenas, J.E. Hunink. 2023. Historical and Recent Patterns of Groundwater Recharge in the Campo De Cartagena Quaternary Aquifer by Combining Hydrological Modelling and Satellite Data. Technical Report. AQUIFER Project (SOE4/P1/E1045)X

    Historical and Recent Patterns of Groundwater Recharge in the Campo De Cartagena Quaternary Aquifer by Combining Hydrological Modelling and Satellite Data

    Contreras, S., J.L. García-Aróstegui, V. Robles-Arenas, J.E. Hunink

  • 2023 - Technical reportContreras, S., A. Fernández. 2023. G3P-GDI InfoSequia Integration and Evaluation Report, Deliverable 5.6. Technical Report. Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P) ProjectX

    G3P-GDI InfoSequia Integration and Evaluation Report

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández

  • 2023 - Technical reportUrgilez-Vinueza, A., C. Ruz-Vargas, S. Contreras, T. Imran. 2023. G3P Evaluation Report, Deliverable 4.2. Technical Report. Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P) ProjectX

    G3P Evaluation Report

    Urgilez-Vinueza, A., C. Ruz-Vargas, S. Contreras, T. Imran

  • 2022 - FutureWater Report 234Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, A. Fernández, S. Khanal, G.W.H. Simons. 2022. InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia-4CAST Development. FutureWater Report 234. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia-4CAST Development

    Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, A. Fernández, S. Khanal, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2022 - FutureWater Report 235Contreras, S., C. Nolet, S. Khanal, A. Fernández, G.W.H. Simons. 2022. InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia Monitor Upgrading. FutureWater Report 235. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia Monitor Upgrading

    Contreras, S., C. Nolet, S. Khanal, A. Fernández, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2021 - FutureWater Report 230Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández. 2021. InfoSequia-4CAST: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan. FutureWater Report 230. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

    Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández

  • 2021 - FutureWater Report 229Contreras, S., A. Fernández, G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons. 2021. InfoSequia-4CAST: Action Plan for Developing and Testing. FutureWater Report 229. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Action Plan for Developing and Testing

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández, G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2021 - FutureWater Report 228Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons, C. Nolet, J.Beard, S. Khanal, A. Fernández. 2021. InfoSequia-4CAST: Baseline Design Report. FutureWater Report 228. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Baseline Design Report

    Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons, C. Nolet, J.Beard, S. Khanal, A. Fernández

  • 2021 - Technical ReportFutureWater - IDOM, 2021. Plan Indicativo de Ordenamiento Territorial Ambiental (PIOTA) para la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Canal de Panamá (CHCP). X

    Plan Indicativo de Ordenamiento Territorial Ambiental (PIOTA) para la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Canal de Panamá (CHCP)

    FutureWater - IDOM

  • 2020 - Internship reportFaassen, K., C. Nolet, S. Contreras. 2020. Internship Report: Determining the dryness index and evaporative fraction for satellite and drone images. Internship report.X

    Determining the dryness index and evaporative fraction for satellite and drone images

    Faassen, K., C. Nolet, S. Contreras

  • 2020 - FutureWater Report 212Contreras, S., C. Nolet, G.W.H. Simons, 2020. Monitor Ecopraderas: Seguimiento del estado de las praderas de la Vega del Alagón mediante indicadores de satélite. FutureWater Report 212X

    Monitor Ecopraderas: Seguimiento del estado de las praderas de la Vega del Alagón mediante indicadores de satélite

    Contreras, S., C. Nolet, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 197Hamed, R., A. De Tomas, S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink, J.E. 2019. Seasonal Hydrological Forecasting for the Segura River Basin, Spain. FutureWater Report 197.X

    Seasonal Hydrological Forecasting for the Segura River Basin, Spain

    Hamed, R., A. De Tomas, S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink

  • 2019 - BRIGAID Internal ReportContreras, S., J.E. Hunink. 2019. InfoSequia Testing Development Report. BRIGAID Internal Report.X

    InfoSequia Testing Development Report

    Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink

  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 186Contreras, S. 2019. Detection and coverage estimation of on-farm reservoirs and ponds in Mediterranean irrigated regions using orthophotos and pixel classification techniques. FutureWater Report 186X

    Detection and coverage estimation of on-farm reservoirs and ponds in Mediterranean irrigated regions using orthophotos and pixel classification techniques

    Contreras, S.

  • 2019 - E-Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World CongressBall, S., M.F. Sanchez, M. Werner, S.T. Escobar Carmona, C.Y. Soto Chavez, M. Wuis, S. Contreras, K. Douben, M. Visser, J.E. Hunink. 2019. Co-Design of an Integrated Operational Water Management Tool For the Valle Del Cauca, Colombia. E-Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress. doi.10.3850/38WC092019-1424.X

    HERMANA: Co-Design of an Integrated Operational Water Management Tool For the Valle Del Cauca, Colombia

    Ball, S., M.F. Sanchez, M. Werner, S.T. Escobar Carmona, C.Y. Soto Chavez, M. Wuis, S. Contreras, K. Douben, M. Visser, J.E. Hunink

  • 2019 - WaterHunink, J.E, G.W.H. Simons, S. Suárez-Almiñana, A. Solera, J. Andreu, M. Giuliani, P. Zamberletti, M. Grillakis, A. Koutroulis, I. Tsanis, F. Schasfoort, S. Contreras, E. Ercin, W. Bastiaanssen. 2019. A Simplified Water Accounting Procedure to Assess Climate Change Impact on Water Resources for Agriculture across Different European River Basins. Water 2019, 11, 1976. doi:10.3390/w11101976X

    A Simplified Water Accounting Procedure to Assess Climate Change Impact on Water Resources for Agriculture across Different European River Basins

    Hunink, J.E, G.W.H. Simons, S. Suárez-Almiñana, A. Solera, J. Andreu, M. Giuliani, P. Zamberletti, M. Grillakis, A. Koutroulis, I. Tsanis, F. Schasfoort, S. Contreras, E. Ercin, W. Bastiaanssen

  • 2019 - Technical ReportTaner M.Ü., J.E. Hunink, S. Contreras, A. Hijar, R. Hamed, D. Morales, A. Wasti, P. Ray. 2019. El Marco del Árbol de Decisión: Aplicación a la Cuenca de Chancay-Lambayeque, Peru. Informe final. Deltares, FutureWater, INSIDEO and University of Cincinnati para el Banco Mundial.X

    El Marco del Árbol de Decisión: Aplicación a la Cuenca de Chancay-Lambayeque, Peru

    Taner M.Ü., J.E. Hunink, S. Contreras, A. Hijar, R. Hamed, D. Morales, A. Wasti, P. Ray

  • 2019 - FutureWater Report 194Hunink, J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons. 2019. Satellite-based altimetry data for hydrological assessments: two case studies Report 194X

    Satellite-based altimetry data for hydrological assessments: two case studies

    Hunink, J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2019 - Science of the Total EnvironmentAlcolea, A., S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink, J.L. García-Aróstegui, J. Jiménez-Martínez. 2019. Hydrogeological modelling for the watershed management of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain). Science of the Total Environment (663) p901-914.X

    Hydrogeological modelling for the watershed management of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain)

    Alcolea, A., S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink, J.L. García-Aróstegui, J. Jiménez-Martínez

  • 2018 - Agricultural Water ManagementGarcía-León, D., S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink. 2018. Comparison of meteorological and satellite-based drought indices as yield predictors of Spanish cereals. Agric. Water Manag., 213, 388-396. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2018.10.030

    Comparison of meteorological and satellite-based drought indices as yield predictors of Spanish cereals

    García-León, D., S. Contreras, J.E. Hunink

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 176Contreras, S., A. Alcolea, J. Jiménez-Martínez, J.E. Hunink. 2017. Cuantificación de la descarga subterránea al Mar Menor mediante modelización hidrogeológica del acuífero superficial Cuaternario. FutureWater Report 176.X

    Cuantificación de la descarga subterránea al Mar Menor mediante modelización hidrogeológica del acuífero superficial Cuaternario

    Contreras, S., A. Alcolea, J. Jiménez-Martínez, J.E. Hunink

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 174Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink, A. Baille. 2017. Water and carbon fluxes in irrigated citrus orchards assessed from satellite data. FutureWater Report 174.X

    Water and carbon fluxes in irrigated citrus orchards assessed from satellite data

    Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink, A. Baille

  • 2017 - Remote SensingHunink J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, A. Baille. 2017. Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based
    Crop Coefficients: A Comparison of Methods at the Basin Scale. Remote Sens., 9, 174, doi:10.3390/rs9020174X

    Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based Crop Coefficients: A Comparison of Methods at the Basin Scale

    Hunink J.E., J.P.C. Eekhout, J. de Vente, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, A. Baille

  • 2017 - FutureWater Report 167Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons, P. Droogers. 2017. Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps. FutureWater Report 167.X

    Hydrological Evaluation and Ecosystem Valuation of the Lukanga Swamps

    Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, G.W.H. Simons, P. Droogers

  • 2016 - Agricultural Water ManagementRomero-Triguerosa, C., P.A. Nortes, J.J. Alarcón, J.E. Hunink, M. Parra, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, E. Nicolás. 2016. Effects of saline reclaimed waters and deficit irrigation on Citrusphysiology assessed by UAV remote sensing. Agricultural Water Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2016.09.014.X

    Effects of saline reclaimed waters and deficit irrigation on Citrusphysiology assessed by UAV remote sensing

    Romero-Triguerosa, C., P.A. Nortes, J.J. Alarcón, J.E. Hunink, M. Parra, S. Contreras, P. Droogers, E. Nicolás

  • 2016 - Environmental ReviewsJimenez-Martinez, J., J.L. Garcia-Arostegui, J.E. Hunink, S. Contreras, P. Baudron, L. Candela. 2016. The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of impacts and mitigation options in the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor coastal plain (SE Spain). Environmental Reviews, 2016, 24, 377-392. doi:10.1139/er-2015-0089.X

    The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of impacts and mitigation options in the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor coastal plain (SE Spain)

    Jimenez-Martinez, J., J.L. Garcia-Arostegui, J.E. Hunink, S. Contreras, P. Baudron, L. Candela

  • 2016 - Journal of Hydrology and HydromechanicsCantón, Y., E. Rodríguez-Caballero, S. Contreras, L. Villagarcía, X.Y. Li, A. Solé-Benet, F. Domingo. 2016. Vertical and lateral soil moisture patterns on a mediterranean karst hillslope. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 64, 209-2019. doi: 10.1515/johh-2016-0030X

    Vertical and lateral soil moisture patterns on a mediterranean karst hillslope

    Cantón, Y., E. Rodríguez-Caballero, S. Contreras, L. Villagarcía, X.Y. Li, A. Solé-Benet, F. Domingo

  • 2015 - Agricultural Water ManagementHunink, J.E., S. Contreras, M. Soto-García, B. Martin-Gorriz, V. Martinez-Álvarez, A. Baille. 2015. Estimating groundwater use patterns of perennial and seasonal crops in a Mediterranean irrigation scheme, using remote sensing. Agricultural Water Management, 162, 47–56. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.08.003X

    Estimating groundwater use patterns of perennial and seasonal crops in a Mediterranean irrigation scheme, using remote sensing

    Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, M. Soto-García, B. Martin-Gorriz, V. Martinez-Álvarez, A. Baille

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 148Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, S. Contreras, P. Droogers. 2015. Scoping Assessment of Erosion Levels for the Mahale region, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. FutureWater Report 148X

    Scoping Assessment of Erosion Levels for the Mahale region, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania

    Hunink, J.E., W. Terink, S. Contreras, P. Droogers

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 138Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink. 2015. Water accounting at the basin scale: water use and supply (2000-2010) in the Segura River Basin using the SEEA framework. FutureWater Report 138.X

    Water accounting at the basin scale: water use and supply (2000-2010) in the Segura River Basin using the SEEA framework

    Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink

  • 2015 - FutureWater Report 141Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, P. Droogers. 2015. Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for the Romuku hydropower plant Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. FutureWater Report 141X

    Hydrological pre-feasibility assessment for the Romuku hydropower plant Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Hunink, J.E., S. Contreras, P. Droogers

  • 2014 - Water Environment ResearchContreras, S., P. Pérez-Cutillas, C.S. Santoni, C. Romero-Trigueros, F. Pedrero, J.J. Alarcán. 2014. Effects of reclaimed waters on spectral properties and leaf traits of Citrus orchards. Water Environment Research 86: 2242-2250X

    Effects of reclaimed waters on spectral properties and leaf traits of Citrus orchards

    Contreras, S., P. Pérez-Cutillas, C.S. Santoni, C. Romero-Trigueros, F. Pedrero, J.J. Alarcón

  • 2014 - Droughts: Research and Science-Policy InterfacingContreras, S., J.E. Hunink. 2014. Drought effects on rainfed agriculture using standardized indices: A case study in SE Spain. In Andreu et al. (eds) Droughts: Research and Science-Policy Interfacing, pp. 65-70. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), London. ISBN: 978-1-138-02779-4X

    Drought effects on rainfed agriculture using standardized indices: A case study in SE Spain

    Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink

  • 2014 - FutureWater Report 125Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink, A. Baille. 2014. Building a Watershed Information System for the Campo de Cartagena basin (Spain) integrating hydrological modeling and remote sensing. FutureWater Report 125.X

    Building a Watershed Information System for the Campo de Cartagena basin (Spain) integrating hydrological modeling and remote sensing

    Contreras, S., J.E. Hunink, A. Baille

  • 2013 - Earth observation of ecosystem servicesContreras, S., D. Alcaraz-Segura, B. Scanlon, E.G. Jobbágy. 2013. Detecting ecosystem reliance on groundwater based on satellite-derived greenness anomaly and temporal dynamics. In D. Alcaraz-Segura, C.M. Di Bella, J.V. Straschnoy (Eds.) Earth observation of ecosystem services. Chapter 13, pp. 283-302. CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Raton. ISBN: 978-14-665058-8-9X

    Detecting ecosystem reliance on groundwater based on satellite-derived greenness anomaly and temporal dynamics

    Contreras, S., D. Alcaraz-Segura, B. Scanlon, E.G. Jobbágy

  • 2013 - EcohydrologyContreras, S., C.S. Santoni, E.G. Jobbagy. 2013. Abrupt watercourse formation in a semiarid sedimentary landscape of central Argentina: The roles of forest clearing, rainfall variability, and seismic activity. Ecohydrology 6: 794-805X

    Abrupt watercourse formation in a semiarid sedimentary landscape of central Argentina: The roles of forest clearing, rainfall variability, and seismic activity

    Contreras, S., C.S. Santoni, E.G. Jobbagy

  • 2012 - Plant, Cell and EnvironmentMoreno-Gutierrez, C., G. Battipaglia, P. Cherebuni, M. Saurer, E. Nicolás, S. Contreras, J.I. Querejeta. 2012. Stand structure modulates the long-term vulnerability of Pinus halepensis to climatic drought in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem. Plant, Cell and Environment 35: 1026-1039X

    Stand structure modulates the long-term vulnerability of Pinus halepensis to climatic drought in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem

    Moreno-Gutierrez, C., G. Battipaglia, P. Cherebuni, M. Saurer, E. Nicolás, S. Contreras, J.I. Querejeta

  • 2011 - Environmental Earth SciencesAlcalá, F.J., Y. Cantón, S. Contreras, A. Were, P. Serrano-Ortiz, J. Puigdefábregas, A. Solé-Benet, E. Custodio, F. Domingo. 2011. Diffuse and concentrated recharge evaluation using physical and tracer techniques: Results from a semiarid carbonate massif aquifer in southeastern Spain. Environmental Earth Sciences 62: 541-557X

    Diffuse and concentrated recharge evaluation using physical and tracer techniques: Results from a semiarid carbonate massif aquifer in southeastern Spain

    Alcalá, F.J., Y. Cantón, S. Contreras, A. Were, P. Serrano-Ortiz, J. Puigdefábregas, A. Solé-Benet, E. Custodio, F. Domingo

  • 2011 - CatenaLi, X-Y., S. Contreras, A. Solé-Benet, Y. Cantón, F. Domingo, R. Lázaro, H. Lin, B. Van Wesemael, J. Puigdefábregas. 2011. Controls of infiltration-runoff processes in Mediterranean karst rangelands in SE Spain. Catena 86: 98-109X

    Controls of infiltration-runoff processes in Mediterranean karst rangelands in SE Spain

    Li, X-Y., S. Contreras, A. Solé-Benet, Y. Cantón, F. Domingo, R. Lázaro, H. Lin, B. Van Wesemael, J. Puigdefábregas

  • 2011 - Journal of HydrologyContreras, S., E.G. Jobbagy, P.E. Villagra, M.D. Nosetto, J. Puigdefábregas. 2011. Remote sensing estimates of supplementary water consumption by arid ecosystems of central Argentina. Journal of Hydrology 397: 10-22X

    Remote sensing estimates of supplementary water consumption by arid ecosystems of central Argentina

    Contreras, S., E.G. Jobbagy, P.E. Villagra, M.D. Nosetto, J. Puigdefábregas

  • 2010 - Water Resources ResearchSantoni, C.S., E.G. Jobbagy, S. Contreras. 2010. Vadose zone transport in dry forests of central Argentina: The role of land use. Water Resources Research 46: X

    Vadose zone transport in dry forests of central Argentina: The role of land use

    Santoni, C.S., E.G. Jobbagy, S. Contreras